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 Conference Participation and Presentations 

  1. P. C. Wu, "Multi-resonant high-Q metasurfaces for optical imaging and information encoding," SPIE Optics+Photonics 2024, San Diego, USA (Invited talk)

  2. P. C. Wu, "Reflective metasurface optics: Bridging light manipulation to computational hyperspectral imaging," SPIE Optics+Photonics 2024, San Diego, USA (Invited talk)

  3. P. C. Wu "Toroidal-assisted metasurface for high-performance nanophotonics," META 2024, Toyama, Japan (Invited talk)

  4. P. C. Wu " Unlocking limited wavefront engineering in metasurfaces for advanced imaging," IWUMD 2024, Taipei, Taiwan (Invited talk)

  5. P. C. Wu, "Lasing polarization control and imaging with reflective metasurfaces," MRS Fall Meeting 2023, Boston, USA (Virtual, Invited talk)

  6. P. C. Wu, "From free space optical components to metasurface-integrated optics," Optics+Photonics 2023, SPIE, San Diego, USA (Invited talk)

  7. P. C. Wu, "From Free Space to Nanophotonics-integrated Metasurfaces Optics," Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Taiwan 2023, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan (Invited talk)

  8. P. C. Wu, "A revolution in nanophotonic metasurfaces for flat optical applications," OPTIC 2022, National Central University, Zhongli, Taiwan (Invited talk)

  9. P. C. Wu "High-performance flat optics with toroidal metasurfaces," APNFO13, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan (Invited talk)

  10. P. C. Wu "Electromagnetic multipolar coupling in plasmonic metasurfaces for flat optics applications," META 2022, Torremolinos, Spain (Invited talk)

  11. A. Hassanfiroozi, P.-S. Huang, S.-H. Huang, Y.-T. Lin, and P. C. Wu, "Optimal polarization conversion using a toroidal-Fano-resonant metasurface," MRS Spring 2022, Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, USA (Invited talk)

  12. A. Hassanfiroozi, C.-H. Lin, Y.-S. Chen, and P. C. Wu, "High-performance metasurfaces for wavefront engineering," MRS Fall 2021, Boston, USA (Invited talk)

  13. C.-H. Lin, Y.-S. Chen, J.-T. Lin, Y.-C. Cheng, A. Hassanfiroozi, H. C. Wu, H.-T. Kuo, C.-F. Lin, P. Chen, and P. C. Wu, "Toward high-performance plasmonic metasurfaces – from forward to inverse design approach," Optics+Photonics 2021, SPIE, San Diego, USA (Invited talk)

  14. P. C. Wu, R. Sokhoyan, G. Kafaie Shirmanesh, W.-H. Cheng, R. A. Pala, M. Grajower, and H. A. Atwater, "Near-infrared active metasurfaces for tunable beam diffraction and dynamic polarization conversion," META 2021, Warsaw, Poland (Invited talk)

  15. P. C. Wu, D. P. Tsai, and H. Atwater, "Versatile control of light with metasurfaces," Information Photonics 2020, Taipei, Taiwan (Invited talk)

  16. P. C. Wu, "High performance optical metasurfaces," Optics+Photonics 2020, SPIE, San Diego, U.S.A. (Invited talk)

  17. P. C. Wu "Flat optics with nanophotonic metasurface," The 80th JSAP Autumn Meeting, JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2019, Hokkaido, Japan (Invited talk)

  18. P. C. Wu, R. Sokhoyan, G. Kafaie Shirmanesh, W.-H. Cheng, R. A. Pala, M. Z. Alam, and H. A. Atwater, "Dynamic flat optics: From plasmonic to all-dielectric metasurface," Optics+Photonics 2019, SPIE, San Diego, U.S.A. (Invited talk)

  19. P. C. Wu "Electrically tunable metasurfaces for light control, "Optics+Photonics 2019, APNFO12, Xiamen, China (Invited talk)

  20. P. C. Wu, R. A. Pala, G. K. Shirmanesh, W.-H. Cheng, R. Sokhoyan, M. Z. Alam, and H. A. Atwater "All-dielectric active metasurfaces with III-V multiple-quantum-well resonators," MRS Spring 2019, Phoenix, U.S.A.

  21. P. C. Wu, R. Sokhoyan, G. Kafaie Shirmanesh, C. H. Chu, D. P. Tsai, and H. A. Atwater "Toward dynamic polarization control with optical metasurfaces," Optics+Photonics 2018, SPIE, San Diego, U.S.A. (Invited talk)

  22. P. C. Wu, S. Wang, B. H. Chen, Y.-C. Lai, C. H. Chu, J.-W. Chen, Y. H. Chen, J. Chen, B. Xu, T. Li, S. Zhu, and D. P. Tsai "Broadband achromatic metalens," MRS Spring 2018, Phoenix, U.S.A.

  23. P. C. Wu, R. Sokhoyan, G. Kafaie Shirmanesh, and H. Atwater "Active metasurfaces for dynamic polarization conversion," MRS Spring 2018, Phoenix, U.S.A.

  24. P. C. Wu, R. Sokhoyan, G. Kafaie Shirmanesh, and H. Atwater "Active metasurfaces for dynamic polarization conversion," APS March Meeting 2018, Los Angeles, U.S.A.

  25. P. C. Wu, H.-H. Hsiao, C. Y. Liao, T. L. Chung, P. R. Wu, V. Savinov, N. I. Zheludev and D. P. Tsai "Plasmonic toroidal excitation with engineering metamaterials," Optics+Photonics 2017, SPIE, San Diego, U.S.A. (Invited talk)

  26. P. C. Wu, W.-Y. Tsai, C. Y. Liao, T. L. Chung, W. T. Chen, Y.-W. Huang, V. Savinov, N. Zheludev, A. Q. Liu, G. Sun and D. P. Tsai "Light control with photonic metasurfaces," SPP8, 2017, Taiwan. (Invited talk)

  27. P. C. Wu, Y.-W. Huang, W.-Y. Tsai, G. Sun and D. P. Tsai "Light manipulation with aluminum plasmonic metasurfaces," Global Research Efforts on Energy and Nanomaterials (GREEN), 2016, Taiwan. (Invited talk)

  28. P. C. Wu, W.-Y. Tsai, W. T. Chen, J.-W. Chen, A. Q. Liu and D. P. Tsai "Meta-lenses," Optics & Photonics Japan, 2016, Japan. (Invited talk)

  29. P. C. Wu, Y.-W. Huang, C. Y. Liao, W.-Y. Tsai, A. Q. Liu, N. I. Zheludev and D. P. Tsai "Tailoring light with reflective metasurfaces," SPIE Photonics Asia 2016, Beijing, China.

  30. P. C. Wu, W. M. Zhu, A. Q. Liu, D. P. Tsai, N. I. Zheludev and F. Capasso "A tunable flat lens via meta-fluidic-materials," PIERS 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, European Union

  31. P. C. Wu, W. Zhang, Q. H. Song, L. B. Yan, W. M. Zhu, D. P. Tsai, C. T. Chan, Z. H. Yang, R. Huang, X. Zhu, F. Capasso and A. Q. Liu "A water-based metamaterial for broadband and large tuning perfect absorption," PIERS 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, European Union

  32. P. C. Wu, L. B. Yan, S. Q. Hua, W. M. Zhu, W. Zhang, D. P. Tsai, F. Capasso, and A. Q. Liu "Ultra-broadband tunable polarization converter for micro-fluidic-meta-surfaces," CLEO 2015, San Jose, U.S.A.

  33. P. C. Wu, Y.-W. Huang, W. T. Chen, K.-Y. Yang, C.-M. Wang, S. Sun, L. Zhou, A. Q. Liu, and D. P. Tsai,"Polarization controlled colorful images reconstructed by reflective meta-hologram," Optics+Photonics 2014, SPIE, San Diego, U.S.A.

  34. P. C. Wu, W.-L. Hsu, W. T. Chen, Y.-W. Huang, C. Y. Liao, A. Q. Liu, G. Sun, and D. P. Tsai, "Strong plasmon interaction in dense upright SRR metamolecules," 2014 Gordon Research Conferences, Newry, ME, U.S.A.

  35. P. C. Wu, H. L. Huang, W. T. Chen, K.-Y. Yang, T.-J. Yen, D. P. Tsai, and H. P. Chiang," Near-field confinement in 3D SRR metamolecules for optical refractive index sensor," Japan Taiwan Bilateral Conference on Biomedical and Plasmonic Imaging 2014, Taipei, Taiwan (Best Paper Award)

  36. P. C. Wu, W.-L. Hsu, W. T. Chen, Y.-W. Huang, C. Y. Liao, A. Q. Liu, G. Sun, and D. P. Tsai, "Plasmonic interaction in three dimensional magnetic metamolecules," 2014 Annual Meeting of the Physical Society of Republic of China, Taichung, Taiwan (Best Student Presentation Award at international section)

  37. P. C. Wu, W.-L. Hsu, W. T. Chen, Y.-W. Huang, C. Y. Liao, A. Q. Liu, G. Sun, and D. P. Tsai, "Plasmon coupling of three-dimensional magnetic metamolecules," Optics & Photonics Taiwan, the International Conference 2013, Zhongli, Taiwan (Student Paper Award)

  38. P. C. Wu, M. L. Tseng, W. T. Chen, K. -Y. Yang, C. T. Hsiao, G. Sun, A. Q. Liu, N. I. Zheludev­ and D. P. Tsai, "Magnetic plasmon induced transparency in three dimensional metamaterials," NFO 12, (2012) Donostia - San Sebastian, Basque country, Spain

  39. P. C. Wu, W. T. Chen, K. Y. Yang, C. T. Hsiao, C. J. Chen,N. I. Zheludev­ and D. P. Tsai, "Plasmon induced transparency in three dimensional meta-molecules," Meta12, (2012) Paris, France.

  40. P. C. Wu, W. T. Chen, C. J. Chen, H. Y. Chung, Y. F. Chau, C. H. Kuan, D. P. Tsai, "Electromagnetic energy vortex associated with sub-wavelength plasmonic Taiji marks," NFO-11 2010, Beijing, China. (Best Poster Award)


Dr. Pin Chieh Wu

+886-6-2757575 ext. 63928


Department of Photonics National Cheng Kung University

70101  No.1, University Road, Tainan City, Taiwan

Office: Room 48303

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