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 Journal Publications 


1. Sphere of arbitrarily polarized exceptional points with a single planar metasurface

H. Qin†, Z. Yang†, P.-S. Huang†, X. Mu†, S.-H. Huang, Y. Shi*, W. Zhao, B. Li, J. Zhou, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, P. Genevet*, P. C. Wu*, and Q. Song*

Nature Communications just accepted (2025) (†Equal contribution)


1. Microcavity-assisted multi-resonant metasurfaces enabling versatile wavefront engineering

S.-H. Huang H.-P. Su, C.-Y. Chen, Y.-C. Lin, Z. Yang, Y. Shi*, Q. Song*, and P. C. Wu*

Nature Communications 15, 9658 (2024)


2. Hybrid anapole induced chirality in metasurfaces

A. Hassanfiroozi1, Y. C. Lu, and P. C. Wu*

Advanced Materials 36, 2410568 (2024)



3. Meta-hybrid IR cut filter for image sensor

W.-L. Hsu, Y.-C. Chen, Q.-C. Zeng, R.-S. Lin, S.-P. Yeh, P.-S. Huang, P. C. Wu*, C.-C. Lee, and C.-M. Wang*

Chinese of Journal Physics 92, 108-114 (2024)



4. Mapping optical lateral forces on the Poincar sphere

Y. Zhu, S. Xiong, C. Lai, Z. Wei, C. Lu, Y. He, Q. Song, P. C. Wu, H. Luo, Z. Wang, L. Xie*, Y. Shi*, and X. Cheng*

ACS Photonics 11, 3267-3275 (2024)


5. Nonlocal meta-lens with Huygens’ bound states in the continuum

J. Yao, F. Lai, Y. Fan, Y. Wang, S.-H. Huang, B. Leng, Y. Liang, R. Lin, S. Chen, M. K. Chen*,

P. C. Wu*, S. Xiao*, and D. P. Tsai*

Nature Communications 15, 6543 (2024)

6. High-security learning-based optical encryption assisted by disordered metasurface

Z. Yu, H. Li, W. Zhao, P.-S. Huang, Y.-T. Lin, J. Yao, W. Li, Q. Zhao, P. C. Wu, B. Li, P. Genevet*, Q. Song*, and P. Lai* 

Nature Communications 15, 2607 (2024)

7. Exploring plasmonic gradient metasurfaces for enhanced optical sensing in the visible spectrum

S.-H. Huang and P. C. Wu*

Nanophotonics 13, 1099-1108 (2024)


8. Asymmetric full-color vectorial meta-holograms empowered by pairs of exceptional points

Z. Yang†, P.-S. Huang†, Y.-T. Lin, H. Qin, J. Chen, S. Han, W. Huang*, Z.-L.  Deng, B. Li, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, P. Genevet, P. C. Wu*, and Q. Song*

Nano Letters 24, 844-851 (2024) (Equal contribution)

9. Creating pairs of exceptional points for arbitrary polarization control: Asymmetric vectorial wavefront modulation

Z. Yang†, P.-S. Huang†, Y.-T. Lin, H. Qin, J. Zúñiga-Pérez, Y. Shi, Z. Wang, X. Cheng, M.-C. Tang, S. Hana, B. Kanté, B. Lia, P. C. Wu*, P. Genevet*, Q. Song*

Nature Communications 15, 232 (2024) (Equal contribution)

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1. Enhanced optical sensing with metal-insulator-metal nanohole arrays integrated with silver nanoparticles

C. H. Chu, G. Y. Lin, P. C. Wu, W.-Y. Chou, S.-H. Chen, H.-C. Liang*, and H.-P. Chiang*

Results in Physics 55, 107203 (2023)


2. High-resolution metalens imaging with sequential artificial intelligence models

W.-L. Hsu, C.-F. Huang, C.-C. Tan, N. Y.-C. Liu, C. H. Chu, P.-S. Huang, P. C. Wu, S. J. Yiin, T. Tanaka, C.-J. Weng, and C.-M. Wang*

Nano Letters 23, 11614–11620 (2023)

3. Varifocal metalenses: Harnessing polarization-dependent superposition for continuous focal length control

P.-S. Huang, C. H. Chu, S.-H. Huang, H.-P. Su, T. Tanaka*, and P. C. Wu*

Nano Letters 23, 10432-10440 (2023)


4. Dynamically controllable two-dimensional microvehicle by coordinated optical pulling-lateral force

Y. Shi, H. Luo, S. Xiong, T. He, T. Zhu, Q. Song, L.-M. Zhou, P. C. Wu, Z. Wang, C.-W. Qiu* and X. Cheng*

IEEE Photonics Journal 15, 6500906 (2023)


5. Metasurface-empowered snapshot hyperspectral imaging with convex/deep (CODE) small-data learning theory

C.-H. Lin†*, S.-H. Huang†, T.-H. Lin, and P. C. Wu*

Nature Communications 14, 6979 (2023) (Equal contribution)



6. 1-nm-resolution sorting of sub-10-nm nanoparticles using a dielectric metasurface with toroidal responses

H. Luo, X. Fang*, C. Li, X. Dai, N. Ru, M. You, T. He, P. C. Wu, Z. Wang, Y. Shi* and X. Cheng*

Small Science 3, 2300100 (2023) 


7.    High-frequency ultrasound imaging for monitoring the function of meningeal lymphatic system in mice

O. Mee-inta, C.-F. Hsieh, D.-Q. Chen, C.-H. Fan, Y.-Y. Chiang, C.-C. Liu, C.-I Sze, P.-W. Gean, P.-C. Wu, M.-S. Yang, P.-S. Huang, P. C. Wu, Y.-M. Kuo*, and C.-C. Huang*

Ultrasonics 131, 106949 (2023)

8.    Metasurface-tunable lasing polarizations in microcavity

Z. Yuan†, S.-H. Huang†, Z. Qiao, P. C. Wu*, and Y.-C. Chen*

Optica 10, 269-278 (2023) (Equal contribution)




9.  Vertically-stacked discrete plasmonic meta-gratings for broadband space-variant metasurfaces

A. Hassanfiroozi, Z.-S. Yang, S.-H. Huang, W.-H. Cheng*, Y. Shi, and P. C. Wu*

Advanced Optical Materials 11, 2202717 (2023)


1.  Inverse optical torques on dielectric nanoparticles in elliptically polarized light waves

Y. Shi*, T. Zhu, A. Q. Liu*, L.-M. Zhou, M. Nieto-Vesperinas, A. Hassanfiroozi, J. Liu, D. P. Tsai, Z. Li, W. Ding, F. Wang, H. Li, Q. Song, X. Xu, B. Li, X. Cheng, P. C. Wu, C. T. Chan, and C.-W. Qiu*

Physical Review Letters 129, 053902 (2022)


2.  Resonant enhancement of photoluminescence from dye molecules in lithium niobate substrate using photoinduced silver deposition with concentration dependence

Y.‑F. Chou Chau, H.‑E. Chang, P.‑S. Huang, P. C. Wu, T.-J. Wang, C.‑T. Chou Chao, M. R. Rahimi Kooh, T. S. Kao, M.‑H. Shih, and H.‑P. Chiang*

Results in Physics 39, 105751 (2022)



3.  Direct detection of virus-like particles using color images of plasmonic nanostructures

Y.-R. Li, K.-L. Lee, K.-M. Chen, Y. C. Lu, P. C. Wu, S.-H. Chen, J.-H. Lee, and P.-K. Wei*

Optics Express 30, 22233-22246 (2022)


4. Direct imaging of weak to strong coupling dynamics in biological plasmon-exciton systems

Z. Yuan†, S.-H. Huang†, Z. Qiao, C. Gong, Y. Liao, M. Kim, M. D. Birowosuto, C. Dang, P. C. Wu*, and Y.-C. Chen*

Laser & Photonics Reviews 162200016 (2022) (Equal contribution)



5. Enhanced photoluminescence and shortened lifetime of DCJTB by photoinduced metal deposition on a ferroelectric lithography substrate

Y.‑F. Chou Chau, H.‑E. Chang, P.‑S. Huang, P. C. Wu, C. M. Lim, L.‑M. Chiang, T.‑J. Wang, C.‑T. Chou Chao, T. S. Kao, M.‑H. Shih, and H.‑P. Chiang*

Scientific Reports 12, 6173 (2022)



6. Toroidal-assisted generalized Huygens’ sources for highly-transmissive plasmonic metasurfaces

A. Hassanfiroozi, Y.-C. Cheng, S.-H. Huang, Y.-T. Lin, P.-S. Huang, Y. Shi, and P. C. Wu*

Laser & Photonics Reviews 16, 2100525 (2022)



7. Multifunctional virus manipulation with large-scale arrays of all-dielectric resonant nanocavities

Y. Shi, Y. Wu, L. K. Chin*, Z. Li, J. Liu, M. K. Chen, S. Wang, Y. Zhang, P. Y. Liu, X. Zhou, H. Cai, W. Jin, Y. Yu, R. Yu, W. Huang, P. H. Yap, L. Xiao, W. Ser, T. T. Binh Nguyen, Y.-T. Lin, P. C. Wu, J. Liao, F. Wang, C. T. Chan*, Y. Kivshar*, D. P. Tsai*, and A.-Q. Liu*

Laser & Photonics Reviews 16, 2100197 (2022)



8. Superhybrid mode-enhanced optical torques on mie-resonant particles

Y. Shi*, L.-M. Zhou, A. Q. Liu*, M. Nieto-Vesperinas, T. Zhu, A. Hassanfiroozi, J. Liu, H. Zhang, D. P. Tsai, H. Li, W. Ding, W. Zhu, Y. F. Yu, A. Mazzulla, G. Cipparrone, P. C. Wu, C. T. Chan, and C.-W. Qiu*

Nano Letters 22, 4, 1769-1777 (2022)



9. Photoluminescence enhancement with all-dielectric coherent metasurfaces

Y.-T. Lin, A. Hassanfiroozi, W.-R. Jiang, M.-Y. Liao, W.-J. Lee, and P. C. Wu*

Nanophotonics 11, 2701-2709 (2022)



10. Electrically tunable and dramatically enhanced valley-polarized emission of monolayer WS2 at room temperature with plasmonic Archimedes spiralnanostructures

W.-H. Lin*, P. C. Wu, H. Akbari, G. R. Rossman, N.-C. Yeh*, and H. A. Atwater*

Advanced Materials 34, 2104863 (2022)



11. Optical resonator enhanced photovoltaics and photocatalysis: Fundamental and recent progress

Z. Yuan, P. C. Wu*, Y.-C. Chen*

Laser & Photonics Reviews 16, 2100202 (2022)



1. One- and two-photon excited photoluminescence and suppression of thermal quenching of CsSnBr3 microsquare and micropyramid

Z. Y. Wu, J. H. Zhuang, Y. T. Lin, Y. H. Chou, P. C. Wu, C. L. Wu, P. Chen, and H. C. Hsu*

ACS Nano 15, 19613–19620 (2021)

2. A toroidal-Fano-resonant metasurface with optimal cross-polarization efficiency and switchable nonlinearity in the near-infrared

A. Hassanfiroozi, P.-S. Huang, S.-H. Huang, K.-I Lin, Y.-T. Lin, C.-F. Chien, Y. Shi, W.-J. Lee, and P. C. Wu*

Advanced Optical Materials 9, 2101007 (2021)


3. Broadband decoupling of intensity and polarization with vectorial Fourier metasurfaces

Q. Song, A. Baroni, P. C. Wu, S. Chenot, V. Brandli, S. Vézian, B. Damilano, P. Mierry, S. Khadir, P. Ferrand, and P. Genevet

Nature Communications 12, 3631 (2021)

4. Near-infrared active metasurface for dynamic polarization conversion

P. C. Wu*, R. Sokhoyan, G. Kafaie Shirmanesh, W.-H. Cheng, and H. A. Atwater*

Advanced Optical Materials 9, 2100230 (2021)

5. Automatic inverse design of high-performance beam-steering metasurfaces via genetic-type tree optimization

C.-H. Lin, Y.-S. Chen, J.-T. Lin, H. C. Wu, H.-T. Kuo, C.-F. Lin, P. Chen, and P. C. Wu*

Nano Letters 21, 4981-4989 (2021)

6. Topological encoded vector beams for monitoring amyloid-lipid interactions in microcavity

C. Gong, Z. Qiao, Z. Yuan, S.-H. Huang, W. Wang, P. C. Wu*, Y.-C. Chen*

Advanced Science 8, 2100096 (2021)  (Selected as the Cover Page)


1. Extraordinary multipole modes and ultra-enhanced optical lateral force by chirality

T. T. Zhu, Y. Z. Shi, W. Q. Ding, D. P. Tsai, T. Cao, A. Q. Liu, M. Nieto-Vesperinas, J. José Sáenz, P. C. Wu, and C.-W. Qiu

Physical Review Letters 125, 043901 (2020)

2. Electro-optically tunable multifunctional metasurfaces

G. K. Shirmanesh, R. Sokhoyan, P. C. Wu, and H. A. Atwater

ACS Nano 14, 6912-6920 (2020)

3. Enhanced biophotocurrent generation in living photosynthetic optical resonator

D. N. Roxby, Z. Y. Yuan, S. Krishnamoorthy, P. C. Wu, W.-C. Tu, G.-E. Chang, R. Lau, and Y.-C. Chen

Advanced Science 7, 1903707 (2020)


1. Dynamic Beam Steering with All-Dielectric Electro-optic III-V Multiple-Quantum-Well Metasurfaces

Pin Chieh Wu*, Ragip A. Pala, Ghazaleh Kafaie Shirmanesh, Wen-Hui Cheng, Ruzan Sokhoyan, Meir Grajower, Muhammad Z. Alam, Duhyun Lee, and Harry A Atwater*

Nature Communications 10, 3654 (2019)

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1. Phase Modulation with Electrically Tunable Vanadium Dioxide Phase-Change Metasurfaces

Yonghwi Kim, Pin Chieh Wu, Ruzan Sokhoyan, Kelly A. Mauser, Rebecca Glaudell, Ghazaleh Kafaie Shirmanesh, and Harry A Atwater

Nano Letters 19, 3961-3968 (2019)

2. Split Archimedean Spiral Metasurface for Controllable GHz Asymmetric Transmission

Qinghua Song, Pin Chieh Wu, Weiming Zhu, Wu Zhang, Zhong Xiang Shen, Peter Han Joo Chong, Qing Xuan Liang, Din Ping Tsai, Tarik Bourouina, Y. Leprince-Wang, and Ai-Qun Liu

Applied Physics Letters 114, 151105 (2019)

3. Achromatic Metalens Array for Full-Colour Light-Field Imaging

Ren Jie Lin, Vin-Cent Su, Shuming Wang, Mu Ku Chen, Tsung Lin Chung, Yu Han Chen, Hsin Yu Kuo, Jia-Wern Chen, Ji Chen, Yi-Teng Huang, Jung-Hsi Wang, Cheng Hung Chu, Pin Chieh Wu, Tao Li, Zhenlin Wang, Shining Zhu, and Din Ping Tsai

Nature Nanotechnology 14, 227-231 (2019)

4. Photonic Crystal Fiber Metalens

Jingyi Yang, Pin Chieh Wu, Sudip Gurung, Catherine Arndt, Din Ping Tsai, and 

Ho Wai Howard Lee

Nanophotonics 8, 443-449 (2019)


1. Integrated Resonant Unit of Metasurfaces for Broadband Efficiency and Phase Manipulation

Hui-Hsin Hsiao, Yu Han Chen, Ren Jie Lin, Pin Chieh WuShuming Wang, Bo Han Chen, and Din Ping Tsai

Advance Optical Materials 6, 1800031 (2018)

2. Ultrathin Planar Cavity Metasurfaces

Hsiang-Chu Wang, Cheng Hung Chu, Pin Chieh Wu, Hui-Hsin Hsiao, Hui Jun Wu, Jia-Wern Chen, Wei Hou Lee, Yi-Chieh Lai, Yao-Wei Huang, Ming Lun Tseng, Shu-Wei Chang, and

Din Ping Tsai

Small 14, 1703920 (2018)


3. Optical Anapole Metamaterials

Pin Chieh Wu, Chun Yen Liao, Vassili Savinov, Tsung Lin Chung, Wei Ting Chen, Yao-Wei Huang, Pei Ru Wu, Yi-Hao Chen, Ai-Qun Liu, Nikolay I. Zheludev, and Din Ping Tsai

ACS Nano 12, 1920-1927 (2018)

4. A Broadband Achromatic Metalens in the Visible

​Shuming Wang†, Pin Chieh Wu†, Vin-Cent Su†, Yi-Chieh Lai, Mu-Ku Chen, Hsin Yu Kuo, Bo Han Chen, Yu Han Chen, Tzu-Ting Huang, Jung-Hsi Wang, Ray-Ming Lin, Chieh-Hsiung Kuan, Tao Li, Zhenlin Wang, Shining Zhu, and Din Ping Tsai (†Equal contribution)

Nature Nanotechnology 13, 227-232 (2018)

5. Visible Metasurfaces for On-Chip Polarimetry

Pin Chieh Wu*Jia-Wern Chen, Chih-Wei Yin, Yi-Chieh Lai, Tsung Lin Chung, Chun Yen Liao, Bo Han Chen, Kuan-Wei Lee, Chin-Jung Chuang, Chih-Ming Wang*, and Din Ping Tsai*

ACS Photonics 5, 2568–2573 (2018) (Special Issue)  (*Corresponding author)

6. Comparative Analysis of Metals and Alternative Infrared Plasmonic Materials

Wen Ting Hsieh, Pin Chieh Wu, Jacob B. Khurgin, Din Ping Tsai, Ning Liu, and Greg Sun

ACS Photonics 5, 2541–2548 (2018) (Special Issue)



1. GaN Metalens for Pixel-Level Full-Color Routing at Visible Light

Bo Han Chen, Pin Chieh Wu, Vin-Cent Su, Yi-Chieh Lai, Cheng Hung Chu, I Chen Lee, Jia-Wern Chen, Yu Han Chen, Yung-Chiang Lan, Chieh-Hsiung Kuan, and Din Ping Tsai 

(†Equal contribution)

Nano Letters 17, 6345-6352 (2017)

2. Broadband Achromatic Optical Metasurface Devices

Shuming Wang, Pin Chieh Wu, Vin-Cent Su, Yi-Chieh Lai, Cheng Hung Chu, Jia-Wern Chen, Shen-Hung Lu, Ji Chen, Beibei Xu, Chieh-Hsiung Kuan, Tao Li, Shining Zhu, and 

Din Ping Tsai (†Equal contribution)

Nature Communications 8, 187 (2017)

3. Liquid-Metal-Based Metasurface for Terahertz Absorption Material: Frequency-Agile and Wide-Angle

Qinghua Song, Weiming Zhu, Pin Chieh Wu, Wu Zhang, Q. Y. S. Wu, J. H. Teng, Zhong Xiang Shen, Peter Han Joo Chong, Qing Xuan Liang, Zhen Chuan Yang, Din Ping Tsai, Tarik Bourouina, Y. Leprince-Wang and Ai-Qun Liu

APL Materials 5, 066103 (2017)

4. Adaptable Metasurface for Dynamic Anomalous Reflection

Li Bin Yan, Weiming Zhu, Pin Chieh Wu, Qinghua Song, Wu Zhang, Zhong Xiang Shen, Din Ping Tsai, Federico Capasso, and Ai-Qun Liu

Applied Physics Letters 110, 201904 (2017)

5. Coherent Selection of Invisible High-Order Electromagnetic Excitations

Ming Lun Tseng, Xu Fang, Vassili Savinov, Pin Chieh Wu, Jun-Yu Ou, Nikolay I. Zheludev ,and Din Ping Tsai

Scientific Reports 7, 44488 (2017)

6. Broadband Wide-Angle Multi-Functional Polarization Converter via Liquid-Metal-Based Metasurface

Pin Chieh Wu, Weiming Zhu, Zhong Xiang Shen, Peter Han Joo Chong, Wee Ser, Din Ping Tsai, and Ai-Qun Liu

Advance Optical Materials 5, 1600938 (2017) (Selected as the Cover Page)

7. Material-Assisted Metamaterial: A New Dimension to Create Functional Metamaterial

Wei-Yi Tsai, Chih-Ming Wang, Ching-Fu Chen, Pin Chieh Wu, Yi-Hao Chen, Ting-Yu Chen, Pei Ru Wu, Jia-Wern Chen, and Din Ping Tsai

Scientific Reports 7, 42076 (2017)

8. Isotropic Absorption and Sensor of Vertical Split-Ring Resonator

Pin Chieh Wu, Chun Yen Liao, Jia-Wern Chen, and Din Ping Tsai

Advanced Optical Materials 5, 160581 (2017)

9. Water-Resonator-Based Metasurface: An Ultrabroadband and Near-Unity Absorption

Qinghua Song, Wu Zhang, Pin Chieh Wu, Weiming Zhu, Zhong Xiang Shen, Peter Han Joo Chong, Qing Xuan Liang, Zhen Chuan Yang, Yi Long Hao, Hong Cai, Hai Feng Zhou, Yuandong Gu, Guo-Qiang Lo, Din Ping Tsai, Tarik Bourouina, Yamin Leprince-Wang, and

Ai-Qun Liu

Advance Optical Materials 5, 1601103 (2017)

10. Versatile Polarization Generation with Aluminum Plasmonic Metasurface

Pin Chieh Wu, Wei-Yi Tsai, Wei Ting Chen, Yao-Wei Huang, Ting-Yu Chen, Jia-Wern Chen, Chun Yen Liao, Cheng Hung Chu, Greg Sun, and Din Ping Tsai

Nano Letters 17, 445-452 (2017)


1. Active Dielectric Metasurface Based on Phase-Change Medium

Cheng Hung Chu, Ming Lun Tseng, Jie Chen, Pin Chieh Wu, Yi-Hao Chen, Hsiang-Chu Wang, Ting-Yu Chen, Wen Ting Hsieh, Hui Jun Wu, Greg Sun, and Din Ping Tsai

Laser & Photonics Review 10, 986-994 (2016)

2. Self-Affine Graphene Metamaterials for Tunable Broadband Absorption

Pin Chieh Wu, Nikitas Papasimakis, and Din Ping Tsai

Physical Review Applied 6, 044019 (2016)



1. Plasmon-Induced Hyperthermia: Hybrid Upconversion NaYF4:Yb/Er and Gold Nanomaterials for Oral Cancer Photothermal Therapy

Chieh-Wei Chen, Po-Han Lee, Yung-Chieh Chan, Michael Hsiao, Chung-Hsuan Chen, Pin Chieh Wu, Pei Ru Wu, Din Ping Tsai, Datao Tu, Xueyuan Chen, and Ru-Shi Liu

Journal of Materials Chemistry B 3, 8293-8302 (2015)

2. A Flat Lens with Tunable Phase Gradient by Using Random Access Reconfigurable Metamaterial

Weiming Zhu, Qinghua Song, Libin Yan, Wu Zhang, Pin Chieh Wu, Lip Ket Chin, Hong Cai, Din Ping Tsai, Zhong Xiang Shen, Tian Wei Deng, Sing Kwong Ting, Yuandong Gu, Guo Qiang Lo, Dim Lee Kwong, Zhen Chuan Yang, Ru Huang, Ai-Qun Liu, and Nikolay Zheludev

Advanced Materials 27, 4739-4743 (2015)

3. Vertical Split-Ring Resonator Based Anomalous Beam Steering with High Extinction Ratio

Wei-Lun Hsu, Pin Chieh Wu, Jia-Wern Chen, Ting-Yu Chen, Bo Han Cheng, Wei Ting Chen, Yao-Wei Huang, Chun Yen Liao, Greg Sun, and Din Ping Tsai

Scientific Reports 5, 11226 (2015)

4. Aluminum Plasmonic Multi-Color Meta-Hologram

Yao-Wei Huang, Wei Ting Chen,Wei-Yi Tsai, Pin Chieh Wu, Chih-Ming Wang, Greg Sun, and Din Ping Tsai

Nano Letters 15, 3122-3127 (2015)

5. Plasmon Coupling in Vertical Split-Ring Resonator Metamolecules

Pin Chieh Wu, Wei-Lun Hsu, Wei Ting Chen, Yao-Wei Huang, Chun Yen Liao, Ai Qun Liu, Nikolay I. Zheludev, Greg Sun, and Din Ping Tsai

Scientific Reports 5, 9726 (2015)

6. Ag-Si Artificial Microflowers for Plasmon-Enhanced Solar Water Splitting

Chih-Jung Chen, Ming-Guei Chen, Chih Kai Chen, Pin Chieh Wu, Po-Tzu Chen, Mrinmoyee Basu, Shu-Fen Hu, Din Ping Tsai, and Ru-Shi Liu

Chemical Communications 51, 549-552 (2015)

1. Enhanced Sensitivity of Surface Plasmon Resonance Phase-Interrogation Biosensor by Using Oblique Deposited Silver Nanorods

Hung-Yi Chung, Chih-Chia Chen, Pin Chieh Wu, Ming Lun Tseng, Wen-Chi Lin, Chih-Wei Chen, and Hai-Pang Chiang

Nanoscale Research Letters 9, 476 (2014)


2. Vertical Split-Ring Resonator based Nanoplasmonic Sensor

Pin Chieh Wu, Greg Sun, Wei Ting Chen, Kuang-Yu Yang, Yao-Wei Huang, Yi-Hao Chen, Hsiang Lin Huang, Wei-Lun Hsu, Hai Pang Chiang, and Din Ping Tsai

Applied Physics Letters 105, 033105 (2014)

3. Manipulation of Spectral Amplitude and Phase with Plasmonic Nano-Structures for Information Storage

Wei Ting Chen, Pin Chieh Wu, Kuang-Yu Yang, and Din Ping Tsai

Frontiers of Optoelectronics 7, 437-422 (2014)

1. Multi-Level Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Using AgOx Thin Film

Ming Lun Tseng, Chia Min Chang, Bo Han Cheng, Pin Chieh Wu, Kuang Sheng Chung, Min-Kai Hsiao, Hsin Wei Huang, Ding-Wei Huang, Hai-Pang Chiang, Pui Tak Leung, and

Din Ping Tsai

Optics Express 21, 24460-24467 (2013)

2. Plasmonic ZnO/Ag Embedded Structures as Collecting Layers for Photogenerating Electrons in Solar Hydrogen Generation Photoelectrodes

Hao Ming Chen, Chih Kai Chen, Ming Lun Tseng, Pin Chieh Wu, Chia Min Chang,  Liang-Chien Cheng, Hsin Wei Huang, Ting Shan Chan, Ding-Wei Huang, Ru-Shi Liu, and

Din Ping Tsai

Small 9, 2926-2936 (2013)

3. Toroidal Lasing Spaser

Yao-Wei Huang, Wei Ting Chen, Pin Chieh Wu, Vassili A. Fedotov, Nikolay I. Zheludev­ and

Din Ping Tsai

Scientific Reports 3, 1237 (2013)

4. Fabrication of Three-Dimensional Plasmonic Cavity by Femtosecond Laser-Induced Forward Transfer

Wei Ting Chen, Ming Lun Tseng, Chun Yen Liao, Pin Chieh Wu, Shulin Sun, Yao-Wei Huang, Chia Min Chang, Chung Hao Lu, Lei Zhou, Ding-Wei Huang, Ai Qun Liu, and Din Ping Tsai

Optics Express 21, 618-625 (2013)

1. Improved Photocatalytic Activity of Shell-Isolated Plasmonic Photocatalyst Au@SiO2/TiO2 by Promoted LSPR

Jiun-Jen Chen, Jeffrey C. S. Wu, Pin Chieh Wu, and Din Ping Tsai

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, 26535-26542 (2012)

2. Magnetic Plasmon Induced Transparency in Three Dimensional Metamolecules

Pin Chieh Wu, Wei Ting Chen, Kuang-Yu Yang, Chih Ting Hsiao, Greg Sun, Ai Qun Liu, Nikolay I. Zheludev, and Din Ping Tsai

Nanophotonics 1, 131-138 (2012)

3. Tunable Plasmonic Resonance Arising from Broken-Symmetric Silver Nanobeads with Dielectric Cores

You Zhe Ho, Wei Ting Chen, Yao-Wei Huang, Pin Chieh Wu, Ming Lun Tseng, Yao Ting Wang, Yuan-Fong Chau and Din Ping Tsai

Journal of Optics 14, 114010 (2012)

4. Plasmon Inducing Effects for Enhanced Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting: X-Ray Absorption Approach to Electronic Structures

Hao Ming Chen, Chih Kai Chen, Chih-Jung Chen, Liang-Chien Cheng, Pin Chieh Wu, Bo Han Cheng, You Zhe Ho, Ming Lun Tseng, Ying-Ya Hsu, Ting-Shan Chan, Jyh-Fu Lee, Ru-Shi Liu, and Din Ping Tsai

ACS Nano 6, 7362-7372 (2012)

5. Fabrication of Multilayer Metamaterials by Laser-Induced Forward Transfer

Ming Lun Tseng†, Pin Chieh Wu†, Shulin Sun, Chia Min Chang, Wei Ting Chen, Cheng Hung Chu, Po-Li Chen, Lei Zhou, Ding-Wei Huang, Ta-Jen Yen, and Din Ping Tsai 

(†Equal contribution)
Laser & Photonics Reviews 6, 702-707 (2012)

6. Fabrication of Three Dimensional Split Ring Resonators by Stress-Driven Assembly Method

Che Chin Chen, Chih Ting Hsiao, Shulin Sun, Kuang-Yu Yang, Pin Chieh Wu, Wei Ting Chen, Yu Hsiang Tang, Yuan-Fong Chau, Eric Plum, Guang-Yu Guo, Nikolay I. Zheludev, and Din Ping Tsai

Optics Express 20, 9415-9420 (2012)

7. Design of Plasmonic Toroidal Metamaterials at Optical Frequencies
Yao-Wei Huang, Wei Ting Chen, Pin Chieh Wu, Vassili A. Fedotov, Vassili Savinov, You Zhu Ho, Yuan-Fong Chau, Nikolay I. Zheludev­ and Din Ping Tsai
Optics Express 20, 1760 (2012)
1. Optical Magnetic Response in Three-Dimensional Metamaterial of Upright Plasmonic Meta-Molecules

Wei Ting Chen, Chen Jung Chen, Pin Chieh Wu, Shulin Sun, Lei Zhou, Guang-Yu Guo, Chinh Ting Hsiao, Kuang-Yu Yang, Nikolay I. Zheludev, and Din Ping Tsai

Optics Express 19, 12837 (2011)

2. Manipulation of Multi-Dimensional Plasmonic Spectra for Information Storage

Wei Ting Chen, Pin Chieh Wu, Chen Jung Chen, Chun-Jen Weng, Hsin-Chen Lee, Ta-Jen Yen, Chieh-Hsiung Kuan, Masud Mansuripur, and Din Ping Tsai

Applied Physics Letters 98, 171106 (2011)


3. Plasmonic Photocatalyst for H2 Evolution in Photocatalytic Water Splitting 

Jiun-Jen Chen, Jeffrey C. S. Wu, Pin Chieh Wu, and Din Ping Tsai

Journal of Physical Chemistry C 115, 210-216 (2011)

1. Electromagnetic Energy Vortex Associated with Sub-Wavelength Plasmonic Taiji Marks

Wei Ting Chen, Pin Chieh Wu, Chen Jung Chen, Hung-Yi Chung, Yuan-Fong Chau, Chieh-Hsiung Kuan, and Din Ping Tsai

Optics Express 18, 19665 (2010)




Dr. Pin Chieh Wu

+886-6-2757575 ext. 63928


Department of Photonics National Cheng Kung University

70101  No.1, University Road, Tainan City, Taiwan

Office: Room 48303

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