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2025/01/23 End-of-the-year party
2024/12/23 White elephant party
2023/01/19 End-of-the-year party
2023/12/21 White elephant party
2023/10/26 Gathering with group members
2023/05/17 Gathering with group members
2023/04/24 Gathering with undergraduates
2023/01/12 Birthday party for Prof Wu and Tzu-
2023/01/12 End-of-the-year party
2022/12/20 Christmas party~
2022/12/03 OPTIC 2022 with group members
2022/11/12 Gathering with group members
2022/10/26 Gathering with undergraduates
2022/09/01 Group photo
2022/08/20 Teacher Appreciation Banquent
2022/07/25 Farewell Party
2022/01/21 Birthday celebration
2022/01/17 End-of-the year party
2021/12/23 Christmas Party
2021/11/22 Gathering with undergraduate students
2021/11/11 Gathering
2021/10/07 gathering
2021/02/04 End-of-the year party
2021/01/21 My birthday party in NCKU
2019 Our lab members
2020/01/22 Our first end-of-year party
2020/10/22 Group photo
2020/01/22 My first birthday party in NCKU
2020/11 Lab gathering
2020/12/03 The first batch of undergraduates
2020/12/03 Lab members in the OPTIC


Dr. Pin Chieh Wu

+886-6-2757575 ext. 63928


Department of Photonics National Cheng Kung University

70101  No.1, University Road, Tainan City, Taiwan

Office: Room 48303

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